Legends of the Midori

Campaign Background for the Midori City State.

(C) 2009 By Edward Villarreal?


The Midori City States are an isolated group of three large islands and many smaller ones. Its total land area is about that of Australia. Its racial makeup differs from that of much of the rest of Cidri and is thought to be a result of the direct manipulation of the Mnoren. Contact with the rest of Cidri has generally been lost though it is known some guilds retain gate contact. The location of these gates is a closely guarded secret.

The Races

Humans are are the most common race making up about 60% of the humaniods found in the main island.

Goblins, comprise about 30% of the population, while usually found as the GM's bad guys in ITL; in the Midori City States they, like the somewhat rarer Lesser Giants, are fully integrated into Midori culture both in politically active guilds and in the private lives of its citizens. They are generally well liked and so common as to be ignored. Thanks to the Goblins commerce in Midori runs like a well oiled machine.

There are two groups of giants on Midori the familiar ones found everywhere on Cidri and a very different offshoot called the Lesser Giants. The Lesser Giants comprise about 5% of the population. The remaining 5% of the population is drawn from all the other races of Cidri.

All the races on the Midori island have been genetically modified though humans barely so; their only change is a slightly increased average lifespan of 100 years.

The most obvious and common change is that many races have enhanced abilities to use magic. If a characters race is listed as a natural magic user they have an additional pool of points to power their spells. This reservoir is equal to the characters base ST. A good nights sleep puts one point into the reservoir where it remains until used. The player chooses whether to power his spells from his ST or his pool.

These are the racial stats for the main races of the Midori population:

Human: They start with a ST of 8, DX of 8 and an IQ of 8 with 8 extra points distributed between these. Humans have a base MA of 10. They recover from fatigue at 1 ST point per 15 minutes; and from injury at the rate of one ST point every two days. The average life span for a human is one hundred years.

Humans have a nominal maximum ST of 30; if you wish your human PC to have more than 30 ST you must pay triple the normal EXP rate for each additional ST point. Human DX an IQ are not capped.

GOBLINS: The Goblins of the Midori City States seem to be highly mutated relative to their brothers in the rest of Cidri. Goblins are small (average 120 cm) brightly colored (blue, green, yellow, orange, black or rarely bright white), skinned humanoids, with relativity large heads, pointed ears, and long fingers. Color in Goblins seems to be completely random (siblings may be of different colors). However, two Goblins of the same color will NEVER mate. They refuse to explain why.

A goblin will NEVER go back on his word.

Many goblins are wizards; they are fascinated by magic, especially illusions, with a tendency towards unusual spells they themselves have developed.

A Goblin character starts with ST 6, DX 8, IQ 11, and 7 extra points to be added to any of these. They have an base MA of 10. They recover from fatigue at 1 ST point per 10 minutes; and from injury at the rate of one ST point every three days. The average life span for a goblin is one hundred years. Like elves goblins are natural magic users.

A goblin has a nominal maximum ST of 15; if you wish your goblin PC to have more than 15 ST you must pay triple the normal EXP rate after they reach a ST of 15. Goblin DX an IQ are not capped

In the Midori States it is common for the wealthier Goblin households to keep Hobgoblins (see below), as servants; this is done mostly out of a sense of "noblesse oblige" because they are certainly not good servants.

GIANTS (the lesser giants): The Lesser Giants have seemingly been breed as a race of intellectuals. It may seem strange to have started with giants who are not noted for their intelligence, but none-the-less it is so. Perhaps it was the challenge that intrigued the Mnoren.

The lesser Giant pays four times the normal EXP rate for ST and DX but the normal rate for IQ. They start with ST 15 , DX of 9 , and IQ of 10 with no additional points.

They generally leave home to adventure at the age of 60, which considering their multi thousand year life span is quite young. This is expected of all giants as their rite of passage.

They begin the life of an adventurer as a one hex figure only slightly taller than a human. They would be between 5'10" and 6'8". Your choice. However they tend to be much heaver, a six foot giant could weigh 300 pounds with almost no fat on his body. They are not built like a human having broader shoulders, heaver bones and will be both thicker across and deeper through their body. The young newly adventuring giant will not have this mass, and might weigh as little as 200 pounds. They slowly get taller and more massive, gaining about a foot in height and 100-200 pounds of weight every 1000 years (gaining more weight as they get older), ending as a 3 hex figure.

They gain (with no DX penalty) one point of natural armor when their ST reaches 20 and an additional point of armor for every 10 ST thereafter.

Despite their Strength almost all of the race of common giants place great value on learning, often becoming Scholars, and can gain the Scholar, Mechanician, Master Mechanician, Architect/Builder and Engineer talents at the normal cost whether they are a hero or a wizard.

They recover from fatigue at 1 ST point per 20 minutes; and from injury at the rate of one ST point every three days. A Common Giant has a nominal maximum ST of 100; if you wish your Giant PC to have more than 100 ST you must pay double their normal EXP rate for ST after they reach that level (eight times the human rate). A Common Giants DX and IQ are not otherwise capped.

TITANS: Titans are half breed Human/Common Giants that have been engineered for combat, and survival in hostile environments . Why the Mnoren bred the Titans is not known, perhaps they were being threatened and felt the need for genetically enhanced super solders? Perhaps there was some other reason?

The size and build of a Titan is that of a normal human. They share the Lesser Giant's Scholarly interests and receive the same Scholar, Mechanician, Master Mechanician, Architect/Builder and Engineer talent benefits that giants do. They have no limits on their ST,DX or IQ. Titans pay twice the normal EXP rate for attributes. A normal human size Titan might have greater strength than a 3 hex Giant.

They start with the same attributes as a human ST of 8, DX of 8 and an IQ of 8 with 8 extra points distributed between these. However they receive the following advantages, a MA of 12, and they can still take the Running talent. The natural equivalents of the Dark Vision, Eyes Behind and Acute Hearing Spells at no cost to use or to IQ. They are completely resistant to Chemical and Alchemical poisons, (and only poisons) They take half damage from corrosive attacks. A Titan can swim underwater with an MA of one for ten minutes before needing air.

Although they are known to exist, they are not common or often seen, and when seen not recognized as they appear to be normal humans, and many Titan's prefer to pass as human. The lifespan of a Titan is unknown, but they do seem to age slowly. It is believed they reproduce slowly and they may have lower fertility than normal, some scholars believe they are sterile and that the few that are recognized are all from the initial breeding experiments.

Titans recover from fatigue at the rate of one ST point every 10 minutes; and from injury at the rate of one ST point every day. Titans are natural magic users.

V. The Other Creatures of Cidri

Page last modified on December 16, 2009, at 04:03 PM