Boars and Hell Hogs in TFT

(C) 2018 By Richard Smith version 1.0.0


Boars are dangerous creatures who have killed many a hunter. Entelodonts are prehistoric pig like creatures (sometimes called Hell Hogs or Terminator Pigs). Tho they resemble hogs, and share their omnivorous diet, Entelodont's are more closely related to whales or hippos than pigs. Boars have curved tusks which they can attack with, Entelodonts do not have these tusks (tho they do have canines and incisors suitable for rippling flesh).

Entelodont's bodies look very much like huge pigs, but their face is more dog like. Their face has stubby projecting bones under the skin at the back of the jaw to anchor muscles.

Shoulder Rush

Boars and Entelodonts are fast low creatures which will ram their prey to knock it off it's feet. This is a charge attack (they must run 3 hexes towards the target), and they must make a 3vsDX roll to hit. If they fail, their attacked missed. If they succeed, both figures make a 4vsST contest. If the figures succeed on this 4vsST, keep track of by how much each made it.

– If the boar fails its roll, the attack fails and the target is not knocked off his or her feet.

– If the Boar made its roll, and the target fails, the target is knocked back a hex and falls prone. They lose their action for this turn, if they have not already acted.

– If the both sides succeed, look at by how much each succeeded by. If the target succeeds by more than the boar, then the target keeps its feet. If the bore succeeds by more than the target, then the target must make a 4vsDX or fall. If the target falls, they have NOT lost their action this turn.


Boars and Entelodonts will trample figures on the ground. They will move onto the figure on the ground. (They will NOT go into HTH, unless the figure on the ground grabs them.) If the figure does not they will attack needing a 3vsDX to hit (with +4 DX for the target being on the ground). If the figure on the ground has a higher adj DX they may stand up in an adjacent hex, go into HTH, cast a spell, etc.

The damage of the trample is based on the size of the trampling figure:

– 1 hex: 1d–1 damage.

– 2 hex: 1d+1 damage.

– 3 hex: 2 dice damage.

– 4 hex: 2d+2 damage.

HTH Combat

Boars and Entelodonts will bite in HTH. Normal rules apply.

Boar Types

Eurasian Boar

The female pig is identical to the boar, except they do not have tusks. These creatures mass around 275 kg, and stand 90cm tall. The male can use the tusks on figures in adjacent hexes. They form communities of 1 to 4 males and up to 10 females.

Pig or Boar 1 or 2 hex creature

  • ST 16 to 24
  • DX 11
  • IQ 5 or 6
  • MA 14
  • Armor: Thick Hide -2 hits / attack
Attack1 hex2 hexes
Tusks (male)1d1d+2
Bite (HTH Only)1d+11d+3

If a Boar is wounded, roll 1 die. On a 1 or 2, it goes Berserk.

The 1 hex boar has 3 fronts, 2 sides and a rear.

The 2 hex boar has 5 fronts, 2 sides and a rear. (They are fast on their feet and can turn sharply, so they get the extra two front hexes compared to most 2 hex creatures.)

Giant Forest Boar

Similar to the boars above, the major difference is that their communities are smaller (usually 6 animals or less) and they are more aggressive, having a larger portion of meat in their diet.

Giant Forest Boar: 2 or 3 hex creature

  • ST 20 to 35
  • DX 11
  • IQ 5 or 6
  • MA 15 (or rarely 16)
  • Armour: Thick Hide -2 hits / attack
Attack2 Hexes3 Hexes
Tusks (Males only)1d+11d+3
Bite (HTH Only)1d+22d+1

If a Giant Forest Boar is wounded, roll 1 die. On a 1, 2 or 3, it goes Berserk.

The 3 hex boar has 6 fronts, 2 sides and one rear.

Hell Hog: (a.k.a Entelodont)

Lacking tusks they are more likely to ambush to ram and trample. They also are willing to go into HTH to bite. They mass ~700 kg and stand 1.5 meters tall at the shoulder.

Hell Hog: 3 hex creature

  • ST 26 to 42
  • DX 12
  • IQ 5 or 6 (usually 6 for adults.)
  • MA 16
  • Armor: Thick Hide -3 hits / attack
Attack3 Hex
Bite (HTH Only)2d+2

If a Hell Hog is wounded, roll 1 die. On a 1, 2 or 3, it goes Berserk.

The 3 hex Hell Hog has 6 fronts, 2 sides and one rear.

Bainboar: (a.k.a Terminator Pig or Daeodon)

The largest of the Entelodonts, its skull was 90 cm long and it is over 2 meters tall at the shoulder. Usually found in groups of 1 male and 3 females. It masses close to a tonne and were active hunters. Unlike the other creatures in this article, they can bite into adjacent hexes.

It is believed that the real Daeodon was a more often a scavenger than a hunter, (it could intimidate the predator away from its catch), but feel free to play the species as a monster that hunts adventurers (it enjoys the challenge and the sport of it.)

Bainboar: 4 hex creature

  • ST 35 to 55
  • DX 13
  • IQ 6 or 7
  • MA 18
  • Armor: Thick Hide -4 hits / attack
Attack4 Hexes
Bite (HTH or adjacent Hex)3d+2

If a Bainboar is wounded, roll 1 die. On a 1, 2, 3 or 4, it goes Berserk.

The 4 hex Bainboar has 6 fronts, 2 sides and 2 rears.

GM Comments from rules document

Now you can have your nobles go on boar hunts!

Last edit: "Updated by line" by Marianne at March 24, 2022, at 04:48 PM (Eastern Time).

Page last modified on March 24, 2022, at 04:48 PM