This is a place to post you characters, or your impressions of characters from various media (hence the play on Giants in the Earth from the Dragon magazine, as inspired by Cas Liber)

Our Heroes in TFT (from Cas Liber)A few folk have posted heroes on the TFT discussion group and I have uploaded them here for everyone's perusal -sort of like the old 'Giants Of The Earth' series in The Dragon many years ago.

GRAY MOUSER (51 POINT) (Adapted by Michael Taylor)
Description: Human Thief
ST 15, DX 16 (14), IQ 21 (20), MA 10 (8)
Talents: Sword, Two Weapons, Thief, Street Wise, Detective, Recognize Value
Armour: HS 2 - Leather (2)
Weapons: Fist (1d6-2), Rapier (1d6+3), Dagger (1d6+2)
Handicaps: 1 point. Victim/Squanders money, sucker for a pretty girl (-1).
Spells: 3 IQ 8 or IQ 9 spells or 12 Cantrips (9)

XENA, WARRIOR PRINCESS (66 points)(Adapted by Michael Taylor)
Description: Human Female
ST 11/9 (20), DX 20 (17), IQ 11/41 (26), MA 12 (9), LK 16
Talents: Acrobatics, Alertness, Biofeedback, Charisma, Driver, First Aid, Horsemanship, Keay, Knife, Leaping, Literacy, Naturalist, Parry, Questioning, Running, Seamanship, Sex Appeal, Silent Movement, Special Moves (Blow torch, Chest stomp, Head run, Jump Kick, The Pinch, Whirl-a-punch), Street Wise, Swimming, Sword, Throwing Accuracy, Thrown Weapons, Toughness, Whip, Willpower,
Handicaps: Choleric (-3), Reputation (-2, "Once a Murdurous Warlord")
Weapons: Chakram (1d6/7, 0.2), Broadsword (2d6/12), Breast Dagger (1d6-2/6), Whip (1d6-1/8)
Armour: Reinforced Leather (3/-3)

HERCULES, HERO (71 points)(Adapted by Michael Taylor)
Description: Half-human, half-god
ST 59/17 (38), DX 14, IQ 11/27 (19), LK 24, MA 14
Talents: Acolyte, Acrobatics, Alertness, Athletic Runner, Brawling, Charisma, Climbing, Dancing, Diplomacy, Knife, Leaping, Literacy, Parry, Sex Appeal, Smithing, Swimming, Thrown Weapons Handicaps: Reputation (-2, "Big heart")
Weapons: Fists (2d6+2)
Armour: Leather (2)

FOX 'SPOOKY' MULDER (33 points)(Adapted by Michael Taylor)
Description: 36 years old, male, criminal psychologist
ST 10, DX 11, IQ 17, MA 10
Talents: Alertness, Detective, Land Vehicle Driver, Literacy II, Literacy, Pistol, Scientist-Psychology
Handicaps: Neurotic (Fire, 1 pt), Odious (Paranoid, 2 pt.), Odious (Obsessive, 2 pt.)
Weapons: Medium Pistol (10 or less, 2d6-2, 6 shots, 2 shots/turn)

DANA 'STARBUCK' SCULLY (33 points)(Adapted by Michael Taylor)
Description: 32 years old, female, doctor
ST 10, DX 9, IQ 18, MA 10
Talents: Alertness, Detective, Embalming/Forensics, Interrogation, Land Vehicle Driver, Literacy, Medic, Pistol, Scientist-Physics
Handicaps: Odious (Analytical, 2 pt.), Cuteness (2 pt.)
Weapons: Medium Pistol (10 or less, 2d6-2, 6 shots, 2 shots/turn)

'DEEP THROAT' (23 points)(Adapted by Michael Taylor)
Description: Middle-aged, Ex-CIA
ST 8, DX 8, IQ 15, MA 10
Talents: Expert Bureaucrat, Land Vehicle Driver, Military Guns, Pistol, Silent Movement
Handicaps: Old (60, 4 pt.), Odious (Secretive, 2 pt.), Odious (Crusader, 2 pt.)

'NAME' (xx points)(by Whom)
Description: Goes here
ST xx, DX xx(xx), IQ xx, MA xx
Talents: Talent 1, talent 2, etc.
Handicaps: if applicable
Weapons: Weapon 1, weapon2, etc.
Gear: Non-weapon gear, including armor

Page last modified on December 28, 2015, at 11:56 AM